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Midland Palette Club
in collaboration with
Midland Arts Association
is having a
This will be a TRUE TRUNK SALE!
You park your vehicle,
open the back end &
you are open for business!
will be on
Saturday, November 17, 2018
from 10am to 4pm
Setup begins at 9am

Parking spaces will be
available for $30 each
at the
Palette Club
907 W. Wadley in Midland.
Sign up for a space is
available on a first come,
first serve basis*

For more information
please contact:

Dee Kemp 432-599-0566

Leslie Slaughter 432-559-6820

(Click on Payment Page – Red button)

Please note:
Palette Club &
Midland Arts Association
will not be responsible for
rain out or any damages.
Artist must be present,
collect your own payments of sales
& must sign release of liability.

MAIL – PO BOX, 9456 MIDLAND, TX 79708
FACEBOOK – Palette Club of Midland
TWITTER – Palette Club of Midland
APP – Palette Club
(get in iTUNES APP &

Copyright © *2018*, All rights reserved.

2018 Fall Show Pieces

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Artisan Art Walk & Laura Lewis Oil Landscape Workshop

1st Annual Artisan Art Walk

April 6-8

Come join the MAA for the first annual Artisan Art Walk, April 6-8. All current members are invited to exhibit artwork in the MAA booth. please see linked AAW Form for details about this. If you would like to display your work please send an email of this completed form to Leslie Slaughter to confirm your display and volunteer time at the booth. the MAA with be located in booths 1,2, & 3 in the main exhibitors tent area (1)

AAW Form




Artist check in and setup – Thursday 1:00p through noon Friday


Juried Art Show (Judging noon to 5:00p)


Preview Party/Mixer 6:30p – 10:00p (by invitation)


Artwalk grounds open 9:30a – 8:30p


Artwalk grounds open noon – 6:00p


Artist Wrap and load out – 6:00p



Laura Lewis Oil Landscape Workshop

Painting by Laura Lewis

April 13-14

Join Laura Lewis for this Landscape Painting Workshop for all levels. Laura will make slide presentations about strategies for successful composition and demonstrate how to select and deselect imagery to strengthen a design. She is particularly interested in creating spatial depth in the landscape, so she will focus on this aspect of her work as well as emphasizing the light source in design. Generous paint application with expressive brush strokes is another area of interest. There will be several brief demonstrations. The students may choose to make a painting similar to the demonstration or work from their own source material or other photo references Laura will bring. Laura will give individual instruction and give critiques to those who are interested.

Two day workshop “Painting the Landscape in Oil”
Cost: $235 – Deposit of $100 due by April 9, 2018
*This covers all supplies
Where: The Midland Palette Club – 907 W. Wadley, Midland Texas, 79705
When: April 13-14

Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm – Break for Lunch

Please see the form below for more information:

LauraLewis Flyer Signup 2018

Laura is a High Plains regionalist, and is known for her ability to capture the expansive landscapes, skyscapes, and agricultural imagery of that part of Texas which is forever imprinted on her soul.
Ms. Lewis recently completed a mural for the Chevron Corporation that depicts the discovery of oil in the Permian basin. She has exhibited her artwork in solo and group exhibitions including the Western Regional Exhibition of Oil Painters of America. You can learn more about this talented artist on her website:


Midland Arts Association January 2018 Newsletter


Election for 2018 Board of Directors

The election of a new Board of Directors occurred at the Annual December Meeting.

The New Officers are:

President – Leslie Slaughter
Vice President – Olga Nedorub
Secretary – Barbara Koch
Treasurer – Amy Randolph

The new Directors are:

Catherine Allen
Liz Culp
Barbara Koch
Aaron Williamson

The new Media/Internet Technology Chairman is Aaron Williamson, and Sandra Elliott is the new Membership Chair. Jean Hoelscher continues as the Newsletter and Publicity Chairperson.
Membership dues have been raised by the Board of Directors after many years of no increases. The 2018 Membership Drive is underway, and new activities for the year are already planned by Olga Nedorub.

New Board Members (from left to right): Leslie Slaughter, Sandra Elliott, Liz Culp, Aaron Williamson, Sue Daniel (who curates the Shared Spaces exhibitions for the MAA), Olga Nedorub, Barbara Koch, and Amy Randalph. Not pictured are Catherine Allen And Jean Hoelscher.

MAA Wins Grant from the Rea Charitable Trust

Exciting news greeted the Board of Directors when then-Treasurer Olga Nedorub shared the
announcement that the Rea Charitable Trust has granted the MAA $50,000 towards its Mural
Project! This is a major undertaking by the Midland Arts Association, and the Board feels that the project will benefit downtown Midland and all of its citizens and visitors.

As shown in the Summer 2017 Newsletter, the conceptual work has already been done by our mural artist Stylle Read. The design incor-porates many historic aspects of Midland; from the arrival of the railroad and early flight, to the oil industry and cotton farming, as well as newer
cultural additions to the Permian Basin.

A committee is working to complete funding for this project . For more information you may
contact Olga Nedorub at or Leslie Slaughter at
Photos of the project are on our website in the Summer 2017 Newsletter at

During the Holiday Party in December, a Silent Auction of artworks donated by MAA Board Members raised some $500! Next year perhaps this simple event could be even more successful.

Donor Letter Raises Funds

Thanks to the efforts of past MAA President Diane Newland, a letter that went out before the end of the year in 2017 raised $1,775 for our treasury. These generous Donors contributed:

Patrons – Randee and Jack Rathbone
Sponsor – Jackie Wilson
Sustainers – Diane and Geoff Browne, Russell Freeman, Dian and Bob Newland, Mark Nicholas, Leslie Slaughter, and Roy and Karen Williamson

We thank these Donors for their support!

The Membership Drive for 2018 includes the various levels of membership support. (See the link below).

Membership Form

Calendar of Events

  • February 6th & 8th
    MAA’s two-day Figure Painting workshop will be taught by Michael Hubbard at Midland College. Contact Olga Nedorub for complete details. If you email her, please enter “Figure
    Painting” in the subject line. Her direct phone line at work is (432) 818-1135 and her cell line is (941) 421-6186. Email Olga at: The cost of the workshop is $40 for MAA Members, and $50 for non-members.
  • March 3rd
    One of the popular Wine & Paint events will be held on this Saturday from 10a.m. till Noon at the Palette Club. It will be $15 for MAA Members; $30 for nonmembers, but FREE for  anyone who joins the MAA at the event! Contact Sue Daniel to RSVP or for more info at
  • April 5th
    The next Opening for Midland Shared Spaces is Thursday evening 4/5/18 from 5:30 till 7p.m. Sue Daniels curates the artists who represent the MAA in these shows.


Midland Arts Association Fall 2017 Newsletter

MAA 40th Annual Fall Juried Art Exhibition

The Opening Reception for this year’s Fall Exhibition will be held Thursday evening on October 12th from 6:30 till 8:30p.m. in the McCormick Gallery at Midland College.  The Juror for the show is Chad Plunkett of Lubbock. Born in Denedin, New Zealand, Chad is the Director of the Charles Adams Studio Project in Lubbock, and he creates his own artistic works in paint, steel, wood, paper and a variety of other materials. Juror Plunkett will do a talk in the McCormick Gallery at 2:00 p.m. on October 7th.  It is open to everyone.

Submission guidelines

Members and non-members of the Midland Arts Association will find the entry prospectus online at our website: or you obtain a printed copy when you check in your
artwork on Saturday, October 7th, from 10a.m. until 2p.m. MAA makes a 20% commission on
all sales from the exhibition, and selected works must remain on display for the duration of the
show; no exceptions. Instructions for sending works via commercial carrier can be seen in the prospectus.

Accepted media

Categories for artwork include: Ceramics, sculpture, glass, drawing, graphics, painting, fiber, photography, and mixed media. Several cash awards will be presented at the Juror’s designation.  Entry fees are $30 for current MAA Members which allows for three works to be entered. The entry fee is $45 for non-members (also for three entries per person). Two dimensional works must be properly prepared to hang on the wall.  The Exhibition runs through November 10th.

Shared Spaces Show Exhibiting Artworks

Artworks are on display in a new rotation by artists from Midland Arts Association, the Midland Palette Club, MARC, and the Sibley Camera Club through November at Midland Shared Spaces, 3500 N. “A” Street.  The artists exhibiting on the ground floor include photographer Geoff Browne, and painters Brad King, Dee Kemp, and Carol Henson. The MARC artists are Wayne
Crisp, Susan Clancy, Ginny Griffin, and an “all clients” painting.  Upstairs the exhibitors are: Aaron Bedell, Lisa Frosch, Sue Roberson, Shanker Nair, Olga Nedorub, Sue Daniel, Liz Culp,
photographers Bob and Diane Newland, April Dickerson, and Jean Hoelscher.  Sue Daniel, the MAA representative to Shared Spaces says, “The rotations happen four times a year, and the opportunity is available to any local nonprofit art group.”  To contact Sue, phone (432) 438-0848.

Photographer Geoff Browne and his artist wife Diane enjoy the Shared Spaces Opening with MAA volunteer Sue Daniel who curated the event.

Demonstration September 23rd of Ceramics at Midland College

Ceramist Jesse Trejo presented an informative and well prepared demonstration of his work with clay in the Midland College Ceramics Classroom on Saturday morning, September 23rd.. Those attending really had an enjoyable learning experience. This presentation was arranged by Leslie Slaughter, a well known glass artist and the MAA Program Chair.

Ceramist Jesse Trejo sculpts a design pattern into one of his newly created works.

Jesse makes some of his own tools and over the years has learned many special methods of
working which he shared at the demonstration.

Calendar of Events

  • October 7th
    Drop-off day at MCC for entries to MAA Fall Show
  • October 9 -13
    Ken Hosmer Workshop presented by the Midland Palette Club (see their website at for complete details).
  • October 10
    Meeting and a free demo by watercolorist Ken Hosmer at the Midland Palette Club starting
    at 9:30 a.m.
  • October 12
    Opening Reception for the 40th Annual MAA Fall Show 6:30 p.m. till 8:30 p.m. in the Allison
    Fine Arts Bldg. Midland College
  • October 18
    Fused Glass Workshop by Leslie Slaughter, 6 – 9 p.m. at the Palette Club. Cost $45 Contact:
  • November 6
    Watercolor Workshop by Ken Rowland. $50 at the Palette Club. See website for details
  • November 10
    Last day of the MAA Fall Show at Midland College
  • November 14th
    Meeting and Free Demo of the Palette Club with Tim Oliver, watercolorist from Lubbock.
    9:30 a.m. until noon

The display artists for the downtown Community National Bank Lobby

Located at 401 W. Texas Avenue, corner of Big Spring St.

Till September 30th – Diane Browne is exhibiting
In October – Brad King will be on display
During November – Sue Daniel will show her work
In December – Jean Leeper Hoelscher will exhibit
To get on the exhibition schedule, contact Diane Newland
by phone: 694-0565 or email:

Opportunities for artists to meet and learn are offered by the Midland Arts Association throughout the year.

* Exhibition opportunities are varied and open to everyone. MAA Members get a reduced
rate when there is a fee involved.

* Demonstrations of a variety of media give artists a chance to consider new methods.

* Social settings, such as the popular Wine & Paint venues, the Plein Air paint outs, and this
past summer’s live model drawing events, help artists expand their work and get to know each

* Sharing information with and about other arts organizations informs MAA Members of the
community of the arts in the Permian Basin.

Parting Shots

Mike Richardson, the Chairman of the Ceramics Department at Midland College, stands with Jesse Trejo after the demonstration on September 23rd.

John and Carol Kullman visit with Diane and Bob Newland at the Shared Spaces opening on September 14th.

Guests view the works on display at Shared Spaces.

Guests view the works on display at Shared Spaces.

Fall Exhibit at The Gallery at Midland Shared Spaces

The Arts Council of Midland and Midland Shared Spaces
Invite you to the Fall Exhibit at

The Gallery
at Midland Shared Spaces

Featuring pieces by artists from
Midland Arts Association, Palette Club of Midland, MARC, & Sibley Camera Club

Join us for a wine and cheese reception
September 14, 2017 ~ 5:30p-7:00p ~ 3500 North A Street

The Fall Opening of The Gallery at Midland Shared Spaces is made possible by the generous support of Apache {Exploring What’s Possible}

The Gallery at Midland Shared Spaces is a collaboration between Midland Shared Spaces and the art associations of Midland