Exhibition Opportunities in Permian Basin

“Eighteenth Annual Stars of Texas Juried Art Exhibit”, February 7-19, Brownwood, TX.  Judge: Warren Taylor.  Intake: January 29-30 (I will be collecting art Thursday night to take to this competition.  If you are interested in entering, please pack or wrap your artwork for transportation.  This show allows the unaccepted work to be exhibited in another area nearby the main exhibition.  Please go to their website for further details www.starsoftexasjuriedartexhibit.com )
Odessa Art Association, “Fifty-eighth Annual Permian Basin Juried Art Exhibition”, March 3-April 2, Odessa, TX  Judge: Carol Fairlie. Intake: February 27, Ellen Noel Art Museum.
Midland Arts Association, “Texas Artists Today”, May 17-June 12, Museum of the Southwest.  Judge: Christina Rees of Glasstire.  Juried by digital files. Deadline: March 18.  More info soon!

Open Studio Night January 28th, 2016

OPEN STUDIO TOUR:  To kick things off for us, Don Parks has graciously agreed to let us tour his beautiful studio and share with us his business model for success.  We will be able to observe his technique for plein air painting, and how he organizes his studio for work.  Currently, the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum is incorporating his artwork into a permanent exhibition and he will share this fascinating journey with us as well.  You will be able to ask him questions, such as how to price your work, and hear his philosophy for how to achieve prosperity with your art.  This is a wonderful opportunity to learn from an artist whose hard work and dedication has paid off.  I hope you will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.  We will be meeting in his studio and refreshments will be provided:
Thursday, January 28th
7:00 – 9:00pm
4310 Tumbleweed Trail
Midland TX 79707
(Take Briarwood* west from Midland Drive, go past Coyote Trail and the ‘Blue Star Boat and RV Storage’, then turn left onto Tumbleweed Trail)  *Briarwood turns into WCR 60

Fall Juried Exhibit 2015 Winners

Here is the list of the winners of the 2015 MAA Fall Juried Art Exhibit!
 Juror: Lindsey Dunnagan

To purchase these or any of the other pieces in this exhibit, please contact show chairperson, Leslie Slaughter.   20% of purchase prices goes to supporting the Midland Art Association. Click here to email her

See images of Best of Show and First Place winners here

Best in Show: Brad King “Repent”

Category: Oil

1.Debbie Hedrick “Rain on Horizon”
2. Leilani Pinard “Renaissance Woman”
3.Andrea Medlin “Where I Get Off”
Honorable Mention– Perry Edwards “Self Portrait”

Category: Printmaking

  1. Courtney Johnson “Zebra Goddess”
  2. Scott Lunson “Quantum Parker Stumbles Upon Tesla’s Lab”
  3. Jane Becker “The Water is Fine”
  4. Honorable Mention– Mario Kiran “Relief Book II”

Category: Watercolor

1.Diane Browne “The Merchandiser”
2. Janet Haney “Tree in Landscape”
3. Sue Anne Campbell “Fabric by the Yard”
Honorable Mention– Ricky Chou “Koi””

Category: Drawing

1.Nancy Hart “La Specola (Florence)”
2. Melissa James “untitled”
3. Sarah January “Falling Rocket:Homage”
Honorable Mention—Nancy Mabry “She Sees Him”

Category: Acrylic

1.Nick Bascus “Looking Beyond”
2.Scott Lunson “The Astral Body Leaves the Ether Body”
3.Christina Valenzuela “Home Sweet Home”
Honorable Mention—Herzog/Roberson “Corazon”

Category: Photography

  1. Randy Hall “Wall with Paper”
  2. Doug Avery “Ghost Ranch”
  3. Sandra Elliott “13th Century Coxwell Barn”
    Honorable Mention– Linda Avery “Pied Piper”

Category: Three Dimensional

  1. Brett McElmurry “Merbabay King”
  2. Steve Apodaca “Slight Blue”
  3. Paige Gates “Rattle on a Block with Holy Rocks”
    Honorable Mention— Joann Youngblood “Juan”

Category: Mixed Media

  1. Sara Drescher Braswell “Away”
  2. Brad King “I’m Innocent”
  3. Kayla Barker “Shadows”
    Honorable Mention–”Elliot Lunson “Father & Daughter the Anxiety”





Fall Juried Art Exhibit Prospectus for 2015

Please join us for the 2015 Fall Juried Art Exhibit at the McCormick Art Gallery on the campus of Midland College.

To enter, print out the prospectus and bring it and your art to Midland College Allison Fine Arts Building on October 3 , 2015.

2015 MAA Fall Prospectus pg 1

2015 MAA Fall Prospectus pg 2

2015 MAA Fall Prospectus pg 3

Dates for Exhibit:

October 3, 2015- Drop of entries

October 5, 2015-Juror’s talk

October 8, 2015-Acceptance, non-acceptance cards mailed

October 22-Reception and Awards Ceremony, 6:30-8:30pm

October 22-Pick up non-accepted work at Midland College

November 13, 2015-Exhibit closes

November 14, 2015-Pick up exhibited work

Art Opening September 17, 2015 at Midland Shared Spaces


Please join us for a viewing of new art from 4 different art groups in Midland!

There will be an opening on September 17, 2015 from 6-8pm at Midland Shared Spaces (3500 North “A” St.).  Midland Arts Association, Palette Club, Art Quest and Artizen will have art from their artists on display.

If you can’t make the opening, the art will be open to the public during Midland Shared Spaces regular business hours.

Hope to see you there!

MAA Painting Party! April 29th, 2015

 Don’t Forget the MAA  “Wine & Paint Session”   
The Midland Arts Association is pleased to offer another art session.     We welcome beginners and skilled artists.
Rick Reese will instruct a “Wine & Paint” class on Wednesday, April 29th, 6:30pm to 9:00pm at the Palette Club, 907 W. Wadley, Midland.
Acrylic paints, brushes, canvas, and all supplies will be furnished.   Wine will be complimentary.   It should be a fun evening.
$35 for MAA members and $40 for non-members.
Please contact Rick Reese at his email address should you wish to register to attend:     igor9115a@gmail.com
Come paint with us !

Wine and Paint with MAA!

MAA is planning a  Wine & Paint  for  Wednesday ,  April 29, 2015,  6:30-9:00pm, at the Palette Club.    

Acrylic paints will be  furnished along with all supplies.   Complimentary  wine with the Session.  Come have a  fun time.

Email  your  reservation to the Instructor Host, Rick Reese,  at igor9115@gmail.com .

$ 35 for MAA members – $40 for non-members.