Author Archives: artwebmaster

Pottery Workshop Demo February 28, 2015


Invite you to attend :

Pottery Workshop Demo
by Ceramic Artist Jesse Trejo
February 28, 2015, Saturday, 1pm to 3pm, Midland College, Rm 182
It’s free, however seating is limited, so please make your reservation now to Dagan Sherman at

Jesse will be showing surface texturing techniques , how to throw and attach
a spout for teapots, and glazing tips.

Juried Art Competition in Hobbs, New Mexico



October 1, 2014 – October 25, 2014


LOCATION:  The Center for the Arts, 122 W. Broadway St., Hobbs, NM (Downtown)                        

CALENDAR:            1. Entry Date:  Wednesday, October 1: 3:00 – 7:00 PM

2. Judging:   Saturday, October 4: 9:00 AM

3. Critique:  Saturday, October 4: 1:00 PM

4. Public Reception & Awards: Presentation: Saturday, October 4; 5:00 – 7:00 PM

5. Open to Public: Tuesday through Friday – 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM

                                                Saturday – 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

  7. Pick-Up Art:   Saturday, October 25, 1 to 3:30 PM


JUDGE: John Hope, Levelland, TX

John has taught in the Fine Arts department at South Plains College since 2004. Prior to that, he taught art in Levelland Public Schools for 32 years. John’s drawings, paintings, prints and sculpture have been represented in numerous solo and group exhibitions. A native of Levelland, John graduated from South Plains College with an Associate of Arts degree in 1972. He studied under professors, Don Stroud and Burl Cole, and worked on various projects with each, primarily studying the art of mosaics. John also holds a BFA and MAE from Texas Tech University. He studied traditional mosaic techniques in Ravenna, Italy, at Studio Arte del Mosaico, in 2005.


.CATEGORIES:         1. Oils and Acrylics

2. Watercolors

  1. Pastels, Drawing, Pen and Ink
  2. Sculpture, Pottery, Turnings
  3. Graphics – Silkscreen, Mixed Media, Collage, Photography
  4. Three-dimensional – Enameling, Glass, Metal, Jewelry, Plastic, Mosaic, Wood, Fiber

If necessary, LEAA will determine the placement of artwork in the correct category.


ELIGIBILITY:             Entries must be original works of art, completed within the last two years, and not previously shown in an LEAA judged show. All entries must be hand delivered. Persons entering must be at least 16 years of age.


AWARDS:                  For each category: $200 Best of Show; $100, 1st place; $75, 2nd place; $50, 3rd place. Ribbons awarded for Honorable Mention. Plaque awarded for People’s Choice Award.


ENTRY FEES:           $5.00 per entry for LEAA members; $10.00 per entry for non-members. Memberships available at registration; Lea County Member, $15; Lea County Couple, $25; Outside Lea County Member, $20; Outside Lea County Couple ,$30; Sponsor $25; Business $50; Patron $100.


SALES:                      25% commission charged on all sales; you can label work not for sale (NFS).


SPECIFICATIONS:   Two-dimensional works are to be framed and wired for hanging. However, Gallery wrap canvases and all types of Ampersand museum series panels with various surfaces are acceptable unframed. Artwork with saw tooth or string hangers will not be accepted. LEAA reserves the right to reject artwork not appropriately wired or considered to be in poor taste. Artwork must hang for the duration of the show. No wet paint accepted.


CONTACT:               Carol Hammond, 575-390-1166






LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: Reasonable care will be exercised in handling all artwork. However, ALL WORK SUBMITTED IS HANDLED AND DISPLAYED AT THE ARTIST’S OWN RISK. Neither the Llano Estacado Art Association, nor the Center for the Arts, will be responsible for loss or damage to any artwork entered or displayed. Submission of artwork implies agreement to all stated conditions.


Dates for the 2014 Fall Juried Art Exhibit

Dates for 2014 the MAA Fall Juried Exhibition at Midland College:

Oct.4- Entries received at Midland College 10am -2pm
Oct. 5- Judging
Oct.9-Opening reception and awards ceremony 6:30pm-8:30pm
Oct.10- Pick up non-accepted works, Rm 185 AFA 11am-1pm
Nov. 7-show closes at 5pm
Nov 8- pick up exhibited work 11am-1pm

Juror: Dianalee Jones

Entries limited to 3 per artist. Accepted media: original ceramics, sculpture, glass, drawing, graphics, painting, fiber, photography and mixed media

Questions: Leslie Slaughter

New Officers for MAA Elected

The new officers for 2014-15 for the Midland Arts Association are:

President: Diane Newland
Vice President: Rick Reese
Secretary: Brad King
Treasurer & President Elect: Mary Lambeth
Directors: Carol Kullman, Leslie Slaughter, Sara Drescher Braswell, and Judy Gant

2014 “Texas Artists Today” Winners

2014 “Texas Artists Today” Winners

The exhibit was a success and here are the winners!

Best of Show: Felicia House “Liakesha Cooper”

First Place: Steve Goff “Anthony”

Second Place: Brad King “Pilgrim”

Third Place: Sara Drescher Braswell “Away”

Honorable Mention:

Randy Hall “Seth Speaks”

Debbie Hedrick “Summer Field”

Alice Leese “Looking South”

Paul McCoy “Altar III”

Tracy Sivalls “Way Out”

David Sorensen “Jasaan”

Suzanne Stewart “Spoon Knife Fork”

Annual Meeting, Potluck and Election May 14th, 2014

The Midland Arts Association will host its annual meeting with a pot luck social at 6:30pm, Wednesday May 14th at #32 Lafayette Place

On the agenda for the meeting will be the election of the officers for the 2014-2015 year, a recap of the recent spring show at the Museum of the Southwest, and most importantly: great food and fellowship!  So please bring your favorite dish(a meat will be provided), a friend or a former member, and let’s get together once more before summer break scatters us apart for 3 months!

It is also that time of year again to renew our dues, as dues are payable on June 1st.

Here are the officers we will be voting on:

President: Diane Newland

Vice President: Rick Reese

Secretary: Brad King

Treasurer and President Elect: Mary Lambeth

Directors: Karen Lanier, Carol Kullman, Leslie Slaughter, and Sara Drescher Braswell

Juror Comments for 2014 “Texas Artists Today”

Catherine D Anspon

“In jurying this exhibition — which featured an enthusiastic response of 191 submissions by 68 artists — this juror was seeking works, which stood out for their uniqueness of vision and/or participation in art historical movements, element of wonder and sense of authenticity. Also sought was a sense of a dialogue and proficiency across varied media reflective and present in “Texas Artists Today.”

The resulting exhibition takes the temperature of art-making in West Texas, and also discovers certain themes, affinities so to speak among the works selected. These are intriguing, and often unexpected, and consequently the show is organized and installed around these motifs: The Myth of the West, Surrealism, American Dreams, Land and Food, and The Power of the Portrait.

I close by thanking Sara Drescher Braswell for proposing me as juror, curator Wendy Earle for her sensitive installation, the museum supporters and trustees, and above all, the artists who submitted — for their time, energy and talent. May our paths all cross again.”


Catherine D. Anspon


Ghost Ranch Workshop/Retreat October 5-11

You are invited to Darla Bostick’s 7th Annual Ghost Ranch Workshop/Retreat in Albuquerque, NM  5-11 October which includes digital photography, watercolors/acrylics, pencil, incorporating text, mixed media work with opportunity for plein air painting and comfort of a group activity room (floor to ceiling vista views). For 7 days/6 nights you can relax, enjoy, and create. Lodging/meals included at Ghost Ranch property. The Georgia O’Keeffe Landscape Tour takes you where she painted from the magnificent area scenery. Visit the O’Keeffe studio/home on tour.  Space is limited to 14 participants. Bring materials you love to work with (or try something new) and join us! The workshop fee is $485. Room and board at the Ranch are per their rates. Unclaimed rooms will be released 1 September, but I may be able to get rooms after that date.
Come and see for yourself why Georgia O’Keeffe loved Ghost Ranch! There is room left for 4 participants!
My website has more details:
Darla Bostick, 940.320.5660       Email:
P.S. Since I only allow 14 participants.  I only contact art associations whose members may like to know about my workshop—it is very unique. But, if your organization prefers to promote only your members’ workshops or charges for ads let me know and I won’t bother you with details for next year’s workshop/retreat. Or, if you personally want to be notified about the future workshops, I can add you to my “early notification” list.