Here is the list of the winners of the 2015 MAA Fall Juried Art Exhibit!
Juror: Lindsey Dunnagan
To purchase these or any of the other pieces in this exhibit, please contact show chairperson, Leslie Slaughter. 20% of purchase prices goes to supporting the Midland Art Association. Click here to email her
See images of Best of Show and First Place winners here
Best in Show: Brad King “Repent”
Category: Oil
1.Debbie Hedrick “Rain on Horizon”
2. Leilani Pinard “Renaissance Woman”
3.Andrea Medlin “Where I Get Off”
Honorable Mention– Perry Edwards “Self Portrait”
Category: Printmaking
- Courtney Johnson “Zebra Goddess”
- Scott Lunson “Quantum Parker Stumbles Upon Tesla’s Lab”
- Jane Becker “The Water is Fine”
- Honorable Mention– Mario Kiran “Relief Book II”
Category: Watercolor
1.Diane Browne “The Merchandiser”
2. Janet Haney “Tree in Landscape”
3. Sue Anne Campbell “Fabric by the Yard”
Honorable Mention– Ricky Chou “Koi””
Category: Drawing
1.Nancy Hart “La Specola (Florence)”
2. Melissa James “untitled”
3. Sarah January “Falling Rocket:Homage”
Honorable Mention—Nancy Mabry “She Sees Him”
Category: Acrylic
1.Nick Bascus “Looking Beyond”
2.Scott Lunson “The Astral Body Leaves the Ether Body”
3.Christina Valenzuela “Home Sweet Home”
Honorable Mention—Herzog/Roberson “Corazon”
Category: Photography
- Randy Hall “Wall with Paper”
- Doug Avery “Ghost Ranch”
- Sandra Elliott “13th Century Coxwell Barn”
Honorable Mention– Linda Avery “Pied Piper”
Category: Three Dimensional
- Brett McElmurry “Merbabay King”
- Steve Apodaca “Slight Blue”
- Paige Gates “Rattle on a Block with Holy Rocks”
Honorable Mention— Joann Youngblood “Juan”
Category: Mixed Media
- Sara Drescher Braswell “Away”
- Brad King “I’m Innocent”
- Kayla Barker “Shadows”
Honorable Mention–”Elliot Lunson “Father & Daughter the Anxiety”