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This workshop is not to miss!

MAA is extremely excited to have Fran Ellisor ( teach this 3-day workshop in early October.
Class size is limited to 12, social distancing will be observed, so sign up early!
Thank you to Arts Council of Midland for providing subgrant for this workshop.

Oct. 9-11, 2020 at the Palette Club 907 W. Wadley
$275 MAA Members/$375 Non-Members

Prices already reflect subsidized cost for MAA members (not a member? – sign up to get a discount admission).

Fran Ellisor

An award winning professional artist since 1990, Fran Ellisor specializes in plein air and alla prima painting of landscapes, figures and still lifes. She has traveled the world to capture impressionistic images in oils, acrylics and pastels. She is a veteran of the annual En Plein Air Texas art festival and outdoor painting competition in San Angelo. Fran lives and works in Conroe, TX. To learn more, go to and to artist info.

Questions? Contact Liz Culp at

The FAFA GALLERY “I (We) SURVIVED” Call for Artist Submissions

Dear MAA Members and Interested Artists,

Jeff Neely at the new FAFA Gallery in Midland is hosting a juried show in Jan./Feb., 2021 in the main lobby of the Midland Community Theater themed “I (We) Survived.” 

This is an exciting and timely concept! MAA encourages every artist to create a special work(s) of art that represent(s) his/her own interpretation of Spring 2020 events, and submit before December 1st, 2020 to FAFA. There is no entry fee, Jeff will provide frames for the works, works will be for sale.

Feel free to contact Jeff with any questions by phone at 432-689-3004, by email at, or on Facebook @thefafagallery

To a Memorable Show!…

The show guidelines are found here: FAFA 2021 show prospectus

Midland Arts Association’s Spring 2020 Juried Virtual Show is now live!

El Capitan Sunset
Don Parks

Welcome to the Midland Arts Association’s 2020 Spring Juried Show, presented in conjunction with the Museum of the Southwest and with financial support from the Arts Council of Midland.

This is our first online show, and while we regret that these works will not be displayed together and viewed in person, we are thankful that modern technology allows us to see them at all.

Please spend some time with our wonderful artists.

Please view the exhibition here:

and visit MSW Facebook page to see the show and find read artists’ biographies and contact information:

If you are interested in more information or would like to purchase a work of art, please email Midland Arts Association at

Thank you to the Midland Arts Association, the Museum of the Southwest, and the Arts Council of Midland for making this exhibition possible.

Price list can be found herePrice_List_2020_MSW_corrected_v1

MAA Spring Show to go Virtual

Fellow Artists,

Due to the corona virus The Museum of the Southwest has decided to present our Spring Show as a “virtual show.”

 What this means to us:

1. We will not bring our actual art works to the Museum and they will not be hung in the galleries there. We will not have an awards reception.

2. Our juror-accepted art works will be displayed as photos on the MoSW’s Facebook feed and their website, with links to MAA’s Facebook and website.

We all know that viewing a photo of a painting or sculpture is not the same thing as seeing it in the flesh. This is unfortunate, but the alternative is cancelling the show altogether.

3. The photos we submitted for acceptance in the show will be the ones posted online by the Museum. If you, the artist, feel that the photo of your accepted work is not of good enough quality for this, you may submit a new, higher quality image of the same art work(s). Museum staff may also request that you do this.

4. Our juror, Emily Buescher, will be giving awards based on these same submission photos.

The good news is that the grant money (plus matching funds from MAA) budgeted for the Spring Show has to be spent. So, since there will not be a reception, there will be additional merit awards – with cash – given out!!!  Ribbons and checks will be mailed to the winning artists via USPS.

5. The virtual show will be organized so that the work awarded Best in Show will be posted first, First Place will be next, etc. Then works will be organized by artist, and the works that won awards will be shown again with the others by the same artist.

We would like to have a short bio for each of you, and a “head shot” also, to post on the MoSW website in conjunction with the photos of the art works. This is optional.

If you would like to have your bio and face posted, please send them to this email address by midnight April 22.

Your contact info (email address and artist website, if applicable) also will be included.

Please reply to this email if you do not want your contact info to be posted.

6. If you do not wish your artworks to be displayed online, that is your right. (The Museum does not offer a copyright or any type of cyber security for this virtual show.) Just let us know.

The Museum at this time does not have a waiver for us to sign or anything like that, but of course that could change.

7. Sales:  Some of the show-accepted art works are offered for sale. The museum does not handle sales, so MAA will be doing this. Virtual show buyers will be directed to this MAA email address. In the event of multiple buyers for the same art work, the first buyer to email will be the ultimate purchaser. MAA will retain a 20% commission on sales.

8. Virtual Show Timeline, going forward:

Deadline to submit new and improved photos of accepted art works (if requested):  midnight April 22

Deadline to submit short (100 words, max) artist bio and head shot (both optional):  midnight April 22

Deadline to notify MAA if you do not wish to have your artwork included in the show (i.e. posted online), or if you do not wish to have your email address included:  midnight April 22

Date for the virtual show to go live on MoSW Facebook and website, along with the announcement of awards:  May 1 (the time TBD)

Thank you all!

If there are any questions, please feel free to reply to this email or to contact me directly at or call or text me at 405-570-9381.All the best,

Liz Bartlett Culp

President, Midland Arts Association

MAA Spring Show UPDATE

Museum of the Southwest staff have elected to hold the MAA Spring Juried Show as planned, but to move the dates forward by one month.

Here are the MAA Spring Show dates as they stand now:

Accepted artwork drop off: May 4 and 5 (Monday and Tuesday)
Show opening reception and awards:  May 21 (Thursday)
Show closes: July 5 (Sunday)
Artwork pickup:  July 7 and 8 (Tuesday and Wednesday)

Details and updates to follow!

MAA Spring Show in-person help session cancelled

Dear artists and guests,

MAA and the Museum of the Southwest are closely monitoring COVID-19 situation. MAA Spring Show opening planned for April 23rd may be held virtually, or, if situation stabilizes, will happen as usual, in-person, with lots of wine, and cheese, and cheer!

In any case, Spring Show is happening, and lots of great prizes will be awarded! Please remember to submit your work by midnight, March 23rd, 2020.

Unfortunately in-person submission help session scheduled for this Saturday (March 21st, 12-2 pm) is cancelled, but you are welcome to call Olga Nedorub directly at 941-421-6186 or email We are here to help.

Good luck and we will see you there (virtually or in-person!).