You are invited to Darla Bostick’s 7th Annual Ghost Ranch Workshop/Retreat in Albuquerque, NM 5-11 October which includes digital photography, watercolors/acrylics, pencil, incorporating text, mixed media work with opportunity for plein air painting and comfort of a group activity room (floor to ceiling vista views). For 7 days/6 nights you can relax, enjoy, and create. Lodging/meals included at Ghost Ranch property. The Georgia O’Keeffe Landscape Tour takes you where she painted from the magnificent area scenery. Visit the O’Keeffe studio/home on tour. Space is limited to 14 participants. Bring materials you love to work with (or try something new) and join us! The workshop fee is $485. Room and board at the Ranch are per their rates. Unclaimed rooms will be released 1 September, but I may be able to get rooms after that date.
Come and see for yourself why Georgia O’Keeffe loved Ghost Ranch! There is room left for 4 participants!
Darla Bostick, 940.320.5660 Email:
P.S. Since I only allow 14 participants. I only contact art associations whose members may like to know about my workshop—it is very unique. But, if your organization prefers to promote only your members’ workshops or charges for ads let me know and I won’t bother you with details for next year’s workshop/retreat. Or, if you personally want to be notified about the future workshops, I can add you to my “early notification” list.